Usability Testing Report
Assessing Usability of the Indigo Website
This was a semester-long project that was completed as part of my Master’s course in Usability Assessment. We spent 1 month of the course learning the fundamentals, and 3 months designing, executing, compiling, and presenting the results of the project.
This was a group project in which the design, execution, and presentation were split evenly, and the compiling was divided according to the strengths of each individual. My compiling tasks involved creating the document outline, writing Section 3 (Page Level Evaluation), and editing the deliverables to standardize the style, fix errors, and create cohesion in the overall narrative. I had a wonderfully talented and driven team to work with on this project, and believe that the deliverables speak for themselves.
These two deliverables were a 62-page Usability Assessment Report and a 10 minute presentation that summarized it to the rest of the class. You can find them both here -